Women are a force to be reckoned with in both business and the blogosphere. In honor of these hardworking and insightful ladies, I’ve compiled a list of the Top 100 Must Read Blogs by Women. You’ll find that with very few exceptions, all of these blogs can be equally enjoyed by men or women. They are all written with an engaging, unique voice that they bring to their subject matter. Some of the names you will recognize and some you may be seeing for the first time.
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News and Politics
1. Michelle Malkin http://michellemalkin.com/
Politically conservative award-winning powerhouse blogger.
2. Feministe http://www.feministe.us/blog/
A collaborative blog that discusses feminism in a smart, educated, and often humorous way.
3. Momocrats http://momocrats.typepad.com/
Another collaborative blog of Democrat mothers “Raising the Next Generation of Blue”
4. Ann Coulter http://www.anncoulter.com/
Love her or hate her, Coulter is provocative. One of the most outspoken (and notorious) conservative writers in the country.
5. American Princess http://americanprincessblog.com/
She’s a 25-year-old overeducated, overopinionated libertarian conservative, relapsed Catholic, technogeek, crunchy con and…?
6. Pamela Gentry http://blogs.bet.com/news/pamela/
Even though Pamela is blogging for the BET network (as opposed to blogging independently), her posts contain much of her personality, smart analysis, and the much-needed policial perspective of a black woman.
7. Suzie-Q http://suzieqq.wordpress.com/
Politics and rock n’ roll.
8. Citizen Jane http://www.citizenjanepolitics.com/
Patricia Murphy worked on Capitol Hill for 9 years and knows how hard it is to be heard as a woman in the political sphere.
9. The Little Pink Clubhouse http://strategerie.wordpress.com/
Two women contribute their liberal views on current events. Nice, clean blog.
10. Taylor Marsh http://www.taylormarsh.com/
Taylor Marsh is a political analyst, insightful journalist, and talk radio personality who tackles provocative, complex and controversial issues.
11. Girl With Pen http://girlwpen.com/
Another collaborative effort by a group of women who are “bridging feminist research with popular reality.”
12. Feministing http://feministing.com/
Smart, feminist perspectives on social and political issues.
13. Confessions of a Closet Republican http://republicaninthearts.blogspot.com/
A working actress, writer, and artist who is also a somewhat-moderate Republican.
14. Arianna Huffington http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington
The Queen of Liberal Blogging.
Health & Fitness
15. MizFit http://mizfitonline.com/
Runs a boutique personal training studio focusing on one-on-one lifestyle education and blogs about everything fitness.
16. Fit Bottomed Girls http://fitbottomedgirls.blogspot.com/
two regular girls share their trials, tribulations and adventures in staying fit to help you know what’s good and what’s whack when it comes to working out.
17. Training for a Half http://trainingforahalf.blogspot.com/
Dedicated runner who started the blog to document training for a half marathon details her workouts and adventures in long-distance running.
18. Run Like a Girl http://run-likeagirl.blogspot.com/
Sharing thoughts on running as well as family, friends, career and more.
19. The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl http://www.dietgirl.org/
Shauna Reid is an Austrailian living in Scotland. In 2008 she weighed 351 lbs. and lost over half her body weight through diet and exercise. She’s also a published author and highly entertaining blogger.
20. The Great Fitness Experiment http://thegreatfitnessexperiment.blogspot.com/
Charlotte Hilton Andersen experiments with all kinds of health and fitness products and concepts and then blogs about them.
21. The F Word http://the-f-word.org/blog/
Rachel Richardson is a 29-year-old writer and award-winning journalist. She is doing her graduate work specifically on American food culture and the social history of food-related disorders.
22. Everything Yoga http://www.itsallaboutyoga.com/
Diane Cesa is a professional yoga instructor and therapist who discusses everything yoga.
23. The Blog that Ate Manhattan http://theblogthatatemanhattan.blogspot.com/
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Polaneczky, MD practices medicine, cooks and waxes prolific in NYC.
24. Everything Health http://healthwise-everythinghealth.blogspot.com/
Dr. Toni Brayer, MD addresses the rapid changes in Science, Medicine, Health and Healing in the 21st Century.
25. A Sizeable Apple http://www.asizableapple.com/
A Sizable Apple discusses well-being in smaller, more manageable steps.
26. Iron Maven http://ironmaven.blogspot.com/
Tracy Fober is a physical therapist who specializes in physical health and athletic performance. Her goal is to educate coaches, athletes, parents and other physical therapists on the appropriate application of resistance training techniques for health and performance.
27. Workout Mommy http://workoutmommy.com/
She’s a certified personal trainer with NASM, fitness junkie, and mom.
28. Fitness Fixation http://www.fitnessfixation.com/
She encourages you to “unleash your inner badass.”
29. Health Bolt http://www.healthbolt.net/
Written by Liz Lewis. “It Ain’t Your Mama’s Health Blog.”
Business & Technology
30. Successful Blog http://www.successful-blog.com/
Liz Strauss works with businesses, universities, and individuals on their products and social web strategies. She has worked over 20 years in print, software, and online publishing, and has worked with entrepreneurs, small businesses, companies in crisis, and corporate giants.
31. Emily Chang http://www.emilychang.com/go/ehub/
Emily Chang is an award-winning strategic designer and co-founder and principal of Ideacodes.com, a web consultancy in San Francisco that focuses on the design and user experience of next generation websites, social applications and networked communities.
32. Women On Business http://womenonbusiness.com/
A collaborative blog by business women on a wide berth of business-related topics.
33. Brazen Careerist http://blog.penelopetrunk.com/
Penelope Trunk is the founder of 3 startups — most recently, Brazen Careerist, a web service to help companies find candidates. Her career advice appears in more than 200 newspapers and magazines including Time magazine, San Francisco Chronicle and Boston Globe. In a review of this blog, Business Week called Penelope’s writing “poetic.”
34. Lipsticking http://www.lipsticking.com/
A group of women bloggers write on how to market to women online.
35. Horse Pig Cow http://www.horsepigcow.com/
Tara Hunt is an internet marketing professional, author, and prolific blogger.
36. http://clear.bluedei.com/
Susan Mellot is a coder, analyst, web guru and self proclaimed ‘geek’ writing about her adventures in Web 2.0.
37. Escape From Corporate America http://escapefromcorporateamerica.blogspot.com/
Laurel Delaney writes the blog Escape from Corporate America and authored an article by the same name. Escape From Corporate America chronicles the reasons why women are abandoning big companies to strike out on their own.
38. Money Wise Women http://www.moneywisewomenblog.net/
Several business women contribute regularly to this blog about money management.
39. Geek Girlfriends http://geekgirlfriends.com/
A Guide to Technology from the author of How to Be a Geek Goddess.
40. She Takes on the World http://www.shetakesontheworld.com/
Natalie McNeil is an entrepreneur with style.
Fashion, Beauty & Design
41. Go Fug Yourself http://gofugyourself.celebuzz.com/
Celebrity fashion critique by two of the snarkiest women ever to blog.
42. Fashion, evolved. http://www.evolvedfashion.com/
A style blog for the eco snob. Focuses on sustainable, ethical, organic, and vintage fashion.
43. The Organic Beauty Expert http://theorganicbeautyexpert.typepad.com/
Andrea Kane is a licensed aesthetician and writer who reviews thousands of organic and natural health and beauty products every year.
44. 55 Secret Street http://55secretstreet.typepad.com/
Nichelle Gainer is a freelance beauty and entertainment writer who has written for magazines and websites including GQ, InStyle, Glamour, Honey, Self, Fitness, The Knot.com and Essence.com.
45. Paint It Noir http://paintitnoir.blogspot.com/
Art. Fashion. Culture. Life. Sanity.
46. Fashionologie http://www.fashionologie.com/
Fashionologie is the musings of a twenty-something American girl who wishes she could have a Freaky Friday incident and switch bodies with Carine Roitfeld.
47. Girl Woman Beauty Brains http://www.girl-woman-beauty-brains-blog.com/
This daughter-mother team stays plugged-in so you don’t have to. They track and test beauty products and fashion trends without any ulterior motives and without regard to brand influences.
48. Spoiled Pretty http://www.spoiledpretty.blogspot.com/
Beauty Buff. Cosmetics Connoisseur. Makeup Master. She selflessly tests beauty products and writes about their shortcomings and virtues…all to save you time and money.
49. Style Bubble http://stylebubble.typepad.com/
Smart girl, high style.
50. Style Me Pretty http://www.stylemepretty.com/
Abby Larson writes about all things beautiful. All things wedding
51. Habitually Chic http://habituallychic.blogspot.com/
Written by a stylish young woman living in New York City and working as an interior designer.
52. Debutante Clothing http://debutanteclothing.com/
Sandra Mendoza-Daly is a freelance fashion and lifestyle writer with a blog that emphasizes the joys of vintage fashion.
53. Remodelista http://www.remodelista.com/
Stark but style infused blog written by three friends who are all obsessed with interior design.
Lifestyle & Entertainment
54. Smart Bitches. Trashy Books. http://www.smartbitchestrashybooks.com/index.php
A highly entertaining blog written by two friends who mercilessly review romance novels.
55. Indiefixx http://indiefixx.com
Jen Wallace writes an enormous blog which is dedicated to featuring the very best in independent designers and DIY business owners.
56. http://www.imnotobsessed.com/home
A fun, clean celebrity gossip site.
57. http://slowlikehoney.net/
A fun and eclectic blog that features the author’s own recipes and gorgeous photos of her culinary creations.
58. Sex Lies Dating http://www.sex-lies-dating.com/
A 38 yr old single girl in NYC who dates a lot.
59. Garden Rant http://www.gardenrant.com/
Uprooting the gardening world.
60. Jessica Claire http://www.jessicaclaire.net/
Gorgeous photo blog of professional photographer Jessica Claire.
61. Amy Stein http://amysteinphoto.blogspot.com/
Fine art photographer and NYC teacher Amy Stein writes on all kinds of interesting urban and artistic topics.
62. Artblog http://www.THEartblog.org
Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof write about art in NYC.
63. Vintage Inspired Living http://heatherbullard.typepad.com/
Heather Bullard writes a vintage decorating and antique collecting blog which includes hundreds of gorgeous photos.
64. Smitten Kitchen http://smittenkitchen.com/
When she’s not prattling on about galley and grub, Deb is a freelance writer covering topics from technology to the daily grind, and freelance photographer with a focus on travel and, of course, food.
65. My Marrakesh http://www.moroccanmaryam.typepad.com/
Maryam is an american human rights and democracy specialist and writer living in Morocco. She also produces a podcast by the same name.
66. The Homesick Texan http://homesicktexan.blogspot.com/
She’s a native Texan living in NYC, writing about her love of Tex-Mex food and taking beautiful photos of the dishes she creates.
67. Ms. Adventures in Italy http://www.msadventuresinitaly.com/blog/
Sara Rosso, former Silicon Valley resident, picked up and moved to Italy where she works as a full-time digital strategist and blogs about cooking, exploring and tasting new specialties in and around Italy.
68. Shelterrific http://www.shelterrific.com/?pg=1
Founder Angela Matusik, frustrated by the economics of traditional print media, decided to take publishing matters into her own hands.
69. Earth to Holly http://earthtoholly.com/
Seeking peace through photography, nature, dogs and good karma.
Humorous Commentary
70. The Bloggess http://thebloggess.com
Respectable columnist for the Houston Chronicle by day, acerbic and hilarious blogger by night.
71. Bundlepanties http://bundledpanties.wordpress.com
A Special Educator and a Mover and Shaker.
72. Ms. Single Mama http://mssinglemama.com/
A 29 year old, divorced single mom who blogs on dating, single parenthood, and other fun topics. Her site features a video blog, too!
73. Raisin Toast http://raisintoast.typepad.com/
Susan is a web designer, artist and patriot. She blogs on everything from cooking to Photoshop.
74. The Q Speaks http://www.theqspeaks.com
The Q writes about politics, religion, and other important (and not so important) topics with reckless abandon.
75. As I Was Saying http://www.asiwassaying.com/
Teacher, graduate student, and NYC resident, she writes hilarious commentary about her life and accompanies her posts with bizarre photo-shopped pictures.
76. The Pioneer Woman http://thepioneerwoman.com/
This 30-something mother of four boys lives on a ranch, takes amazing photos, and writes about her adventures. She claims to channel Ethel Merman and Lucille Ball.
77. Jenny on the Spot http://www.jennyonthespot.com/
Adorable eclectic blogger and Renaissance Woman.
78. House on a Hill http://houseonahill.net/
Attorney Connie Veneracion is powered by Apple, Canon, Nicotine and Coffee.
79. Bunny Glitter http://www.bunnyglitter.com
Two women who live a thousand miles apart confer with one another in a mutually weird way.
80. I Am Bossy http://www.iambossy.com/
Georgia Getz is an acclaimed essayist, novelist, screenwriter, and director. No wait - that’s Nora Ephron. But Georgia Getz dreamed of one day becoming these things and more - just as soon as she finished college. At the age of thirty-five.
81. Attack of the Redneck Mommy http://theredneckmommy.com/
Once upon a time, in a far away land (known as CANADA) there was a skinny blonde girl with knobby knees and a big dream. Her name was Tanis Miller but her friends called her T. Unlike other little girls who dreamed of becoming princesses or gold diggers or rock stars, this little girl had bigger plans. She dreamed of global domination. This blog is the first step in that direction.
82. Melia Lore http://melialore.com/
Melia writes under a ficticious name because she can. She’s a 30-something, sometimes “work from home,” student mom of 4 (or is that 400?) kids, and a few animals thrown in for good measure. Lots of issues, lots of humor, will be a writer someday if it kills her.
83. Dooce http://dooce.com/
Heather B. Armstrong, a former web designer, now is a full time professional blogger with an attitude.
84. A Hippy Chick http://ahippychick.com/
Rachel is a crazy chick who doesn’t do anything the right way.
Environment and Green Living
85. Big Green Purse http://greenwoman.typepad.com/biggreenpurse/
Written by eco-maven Diane MacEachern an author, entrepreneur, and environmentalist who champions the power of women in the marketplace.
86. Eco-Chick http://eco-chick.com/
Created by Starre Vartan, author, graduate student, and environmentalist, this blog covers all areas of eco-living for the modern woman.
87. Victoria Everman http://victoria-e.com/
Victoria Everman is a freelance writer, life-long model, on-camera personality, public speaker, official U.S. spokesperson for Twice Shy Clothing. She writes on all things eco.
88. One Green Generation http://1greengeneration.elementsintime.com/
A blog that encourages local living and economy among other environmental topics.
89. La Marguerite http://lamarguerite.wordpress.com/
An environmental blog, focused on behavioral solutions to climate change and other sustainability issues.
90. Fake Plastic Fish http://www.fakeplasticfish.com/
Beth Terry writes about alternatives to plastic and sustainable living.
91. http://enviroblog.org/
Smart discussion of the latest science and news on toxins in your food, water, and air, and what government agencies should be doing to protect public health.
92. The Alternative Consumer http://www.alternativeconsumer.com/
The Alternative Consumer provides a unique, upbeat perspective — eco news, green product reviews and useful info for busy folks looking to cultivate a greener, healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.
93. Fig + Sage http://www.figandsage.com/
Two sisters discover and share stylish, eco-fresh finds and provide honest reviews of organic and natural products for body, baby, home, pet and more. (A gem if you’re looking for organic beauty and/or baby products!).
94. Climate of Our Future http://climateofourfuture.org/
Climate of Our Future is a blog meant to open a discussion of global climate change by providing articles, resources and opinions that provoke our readers to thought and action. We’ll attempt to describe how our world’s climate is changing, what’s causing it, and how we can correct it.
95. Endangered Species http://endangeredspaces.blogspot.com/
Endangered Spaces is a blog about our mother, the Earth, and steps we may take to be a force for positive change.
96. Goal for the Green http://goalforthegreen.com/
Para-education and Green Living Information.
97. Green as Thistle http://greenasathistle.com/
Toronto based journalist writes her own personal blog about green living.
98. The Crunchy Chicken http://www.thecrunchychicken.com/
She puts the “mental” in “Environmental.”
99. Everydaytrash http://everydaytrash.com/
Leila Darabi, a Brooklyn-based journalist and nonprofiteer writes a blog that examines the art and politics of the world through the lens of garbage.
100. Urban Ecoist http://www.urbanecoist.com/
Urban Ecoist is one blogger’s attempt to document, examine, and explore the myriad ways an ecologically minded urbanite can reduce her impact on the world around her, while maintaining a comfortable way of life.
courtsey: Adam's blog
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