A day that passes without silence...unlike the rest, when you think back and ponder over what just passed by ... you would not have many such days in life which makes you feel like this... let me take you through those moments that made 4 hours of 14th of june 2009...a day full of experiences ..a day loaded with power pack learning ,, and yes a unique day i shall cherish for the rest of my life !!
Let me take you through that journey ..As part of our orientation programme for MBA at Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies , Pune i was part of a business exercise in which we were in groups of two and had to find a job for one day within a given periphery i.e Kalyaninagar till KP .. without a penny in my pocket ...
At 10 am sharp we were set free ..on our own .. myself neha and my buddy deepak embarked on our path of finding our worth in the market !
There are people who genuinely help you sail through is the first lesson i learnt ..but you have got to have the third eye to catch and hold on to the opportunity .. it was with Maj Mehta who willingly gave us a lift till our destination Kalyaninagar .. we thereafter went to about 5 places asking for a days employment ..but it being a Sunday a busy - busy day there were point blank refusals ,,ofcourse who wants to lose the customers ..
but if there are problems there ought to be solutions all one requires is POSITIVE ATTITUDE plus PERSEVERANCE is the fact that stands tall.
Finally we convinced the sales manager Mr. Sachin Tayade @ Archies gallery ,Adlabs Mall . Every task has it pressure points which have got to be identified .. and here it was identifying the customers who were there to actually buy the stuff..
One thing which i believe is to be done first and foremost is to strike a chord with the employees ,, and yes with the employee i mean even the guard at the door ,,everyone commands respect --a biggg lesson surely !
We then proceeded to understand the domain ,,afterall domain expertise holds an upperhand .. after a few rounds and interaction with the employees we got a fair idea of the work scenario. It soon seemed like a second home ..We managed to be a part of the team and get across a lot of sales ..it was a great insight provided by Ms Florence at the help desk ..which helped us getting to know the tricks of the trade .
Suddenly we realized that it was 2 pm ,,we were dead hungry ..but not complaining for the first time !! All thanks to the kind manager who arranged for a sumptuous lunch for us ..we were back with a BANG ! Ready ,,afresh to attend the customers with a pleasant smile .
Worked for another 2 hrs and looked at the watch ,,it was already the time to leave .. our next target destination was Post 91 .. It was goodbye time ,,before leaving we gave a few humble suggestions to improve the sales in terms of visual merchandising. Surprisingly we got 200 bucks ,,we never asked for it at the time of joining ..Then we set to KP ,, again taking lift we reached and met our mentor and our other batchmates to share the experiences over a cup of coffee !!!!